Bible Giving Guide
The Christian Standard Study Bible
The best and most useful all around study Bible for the Bible enthusiast who loves both devotional and academic study. The Holman maps are so useful and the word studies keep you engaged. The Christian Standard Study Bible puts New Testament quotes of the Old in bold!
The NIV Study Bible
This Bible is loaded with features and tables for the NIV enthusiast. There is nothing lacking in this Bible for learning and growing in Bible knowledge. I did a review on this one where there was more than I could talk about. Its loaded with up to date pictures and stunning graphics.
The NLT Illustrated Study Bible
For NLT enthusiasts, there is no comparison. This huge Bible has the terrific illustrations, maps and tables that Tyndale has made famous. This will keep the learner engaged for years. For those that like to study, look no further. It is a delightful Bible.
The Adventure Bible
This is hands dow the BEST Bible for Kids. We use these for awards and gifts, in our church but they are so much better than “gift & award” Bibles. This bible is quality and loaded with great information that many adults use because its so good. This is THE Bible for children.
The Best for Digital & Paper! ANY Tyndale Filament!
The Filament Bible includes an app that works on androids and apple, and takes you into an immersive experience that includes Bible reading plans and audio Bibles (NLT, or KJV). This is the best for the person that loves paper study but finds themselves studying online or their phone. THIS is a gamechanger for Bible study. Make sure the Bible you buy is tagged as FILAMENT
Cultural Backgrounds NIV Study Bible
The Best for Archaeology & History! I use this as a textbook in my undergraduate Geography & History class. This is loaded with the latest in archaeology and scholarship. For anyone wanting to know the latest in Cultural and Background information on Scripture, this is it!
The Spurgeon Study Bible
I love this one because I love using devotions with Charles Spurgeon. Its CSB and includes all the fantastic CSB Bible features as well as devotional insights from Charles Spurgeon throughout the Bible. This is great gift idea for the Bible enthusiast who spends more time praying and studying devotionally than anything else.
The Ultimate Gift is the Ultimate Study Bible
The Chronological Study Bible NLT or KJV is a blessing to Bible enthusiasts that like chronological study and appreciate either NLT or KJV. The tables are extensive and the inline maps are comprehensive. You will not disappoint by giving this amazing resource.
A Treasure for Historians: The Ancient Faith Study Bible
Theologians, Historians and Bible study enthusiasts will love this one. It includes many resources, creeds, confessions and study helps throughout the vast history of Christianity. This is a valuable resource for a lifetime of study
ESV Archaeology Study Bible
If your friend or family already own the Cultural Backgrounds Bible, then consider getting them this one. It is loaded with well-organized and detailed notes about the Geography & History of the Bible.
The best and most useful all around study Bible for the Bible enthusiast who loves both devotional and academic study. The Holman maps are so useful and the word studies keep you engaged. The Christian Standard Study Bible puts New Testament quotes of the Old in bold!
The NIV Study Bible
This Bible is loaded with features and tables for the NIV enthusiast. There is nothing lacking in this Bible for learning and growing in Bible knowledge. I did a review on this one where there was more than I could talk about. Its loaded with up to date pictures and stunning graphics.
The NLT Illustrated Study Bible
For NLT enthusiasts, there is no comparison. This huge Bible has the terrific illustrations, maps and tables that Tyndale has made famous. This will keep the learner engaged for years. For those that like to study, look no further. It is a delightful Bible.
The Adventure Bible
This is hands dow the BEST Bible for Kids. We use these for awards and gifts, in our church but they are so much better than “gift & award” Bibles. This bible is quality and loaded with great information that many adults use because its so good. This is THE Bible for children.
The Best for Digital & Paper! ANY Tyndale Filament!
The Filament Bible includes an app that works on androids and apple, and takes you into an immersive experience that includes Bible reading plans and audio Bibles (NLT, or KJV). This is the best for the person that loves paper study but finds themselves studying online or their phone. THIS is a gamechanger for Bible study. Make sure the Bible you buy is tagged as FILAMENT
Cultural Backgrounds NIV Study Bible
The Best for Archaeology & History! I use this as a textbook in my undergraduate Geography & History class. This is loaded with the latest in archaeology and scholarship. For anyone wanting to know the latest in Cultural and Background information on Scripture, this is it!
The Spurgeon Study Bible
I love this one because I love using devotions with Charles Spurgeon. Its CSB and includes all the fantastic CSB Bible features as well as devotional insights from Charles Spurgeon throughout the Bible. This is great gift idea for the Bible enthusiast who spends more time praying and studying devotionally than anything else.
The Ultimate Gift is the Ultimate Study Bible
The Chronological Study Bible NLT or KJV is a blessing to Bible enthusiasts that like chronological study and appreciate either NLT or KJV. The tables are extensive and the inline maps are comprehensive. You will not disappoint by giving this amazing resource.
A Treasure for Historians: The Ancient Faith Study Bible
Theologians, Historians and Bible study enthusiasts will love this one. It includes many resources, creeds, confessions and study helps throughout the vast history of Christianity. This is a valuable resource for a lifetime of study
ESV Archaeology Study Bible
If your friend or family already own the Cultural Backgrounds Bible, then consider getting them this one. It is loaded with well-organized and detailed notes about the Geography & History of the Bible.